Saturday, February 25, 2012

How long is Dragon Age Origins with all the DLC?

I am looking for a game to play through out the summer, and I am looking at dragon age origins ultimate edition. My question is: If I play through the main story (and maybe some side quests) and do all of the DLC, how long will I have played? Or how long will it take me to do everything.How long is Dragon Age Origins with all the DLC?
As the others have said, if you try to do as many quests as you can, it should be around 70 hours. I've played several times and I really tried to milk my final playthrough for all it was possibly worth, and it was about 72.

It's one of the longest games out there, and I would definitely recommend it. Keep in mind that the replayability factor in Origins is extremely high. Your character can have one of six very different "origins" which will effect the game in different ways throughout, so you'll probably want to replay the game more than once (or at least play through all of the origins).How long is Dragon Age Origins with all the DLC?
From the main story and side quests you'll get around 60-70 hours.

For the Awakening DLC you should get between 15-25 hours depending on how quest happy you are.

Witch Hunt will get you another hour or so, but it's more of an epilogue than actual game extender.

Leliana's Song will also come in at around an hour to 2 hours

Golems of Amgarrak is rather short at 1-2 hours.

Same goes for The Darkspawn Chronicles, perhaps a bit less.

This is just an estimation based on playing the 'Normal' difficulty setting. Harder difficulties will take you much longer.

However if you do get the game I suggest you make a point of doing all the side quests you can get. If you don't you're just cutting yourself out of some good gaming.How long is Dragon Age Origins with all the DLC?
I haven't played all the DLC only Awakening. Awakening is about 15 hours and the core game itself is like 30 hours. And then all the other DLC might add 5-10 hours I wouldn't know I haven't played them.

But if your looking for another game to play over the summer Oblivion would be a good choice. And to save you some money buy the Ultimate Edition USED and then take the DLC from disk two. Return the Ultimate Edition and get the Regular $20 disk so you'll have all of it for only 20 bucks. Oblivion is about 60+ hours and it's a game you play through more than once.
I've played through all DLC (Darkspawn Chronicles, Leliana's Song, Awakening, Golems of Amgarrak %26amp; Witch Hunt), and the duration it took me to finish all of them was about 70 hours with the main story. However, it was my second time playing, so it did take me a little faster. Add an hour or two or a couple to it. It takes a while to get into if RPGs are not your element, but it's well worth the 70+ hours.

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